Blood Work Handout

How to dig deeper into your physiology to understand your health strengths & cancer vulnerabilities.

Protein Powder Handout

Includes recommended clean brands, ingredients to avoid, and the source of protein.

Antioxidant-Rich Bundled Recipes

A few of my favourite antioxidant-rich recipes that will help fight free radicals to protect against cancer.

The Remission Nutrition Class

Check out this FREE training that will guide you through the top 3 mistakes that everyone makes when it comes to anticancer nutrition and how to avoid them! Learn the exact process of understanding what to eat and what to avoid to stop cancer from growing or coming back.

21-Day Recovery Meal Plan

Check out the 3 weeks of meals that fuel your recovery & energy and are mostly gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free (no, you don't need to avoid these 100% all the time...see my Staying Cancer-Free Workshop link or The Remission Nutrition Class link to learn more on nutrition!).

Top Foods to Boost Energy

I put a whole guide together on the top foods to focus your attention on when it comes to speeding up your healing, getting energy fast, and reducing cancer-promoting inflammation. And it may not be the foods you think! Click below to sign-up to get your guide delivered immediately to your email for free.


Cancer-Free Workshop

My highly reviewed 3 days of content directed toward what to eat/avoid, best lifestyle changes, supplements, and special testing for optimal recovery and to reduce cancer growth. With research-packed content, Q&A, and action steps on how to truly and simply flourish after cancer.

Breast Cancer Freedom Workshop

If you've been diagnosed with breast cancer (any type) and are navigating how to recovery faster, lower the chances of it growing, or keep it from coming back...this is the training for you! Supplements, nutrition, and more to help you manage side effects of treatment (pain, hot flashes, etc) and to help keep it away for good. 

4 Week Flourish Whole-Body Meal Plan

Delicious and nutritious meals, snacks, desserts, and drinks designed to balance blood sugar, reduce cancer-promoting inflammation, and help you to heal faster during/ after treatment. Most made in < 30 mins. Gluten- & dairy-free. Complete vegetarian plan not yet available.

Follow Me & Learn

on Instagram

A very positive community where I share recipes, video trainings, and strategies for effective, evidence-informed nutrition & lifestyle changes to recover fast and reduce cancer risk. An extremely lovely, heart-centered group of women to hang out with! See you there!

Recipes & Questions Answered

Love reading about the research behind the cancer prevention strategies? Want to learn more about things like mushrooms for immune support, curcumin and Tamoxifen, supporting your body after corticosteroids? Check out these articles. 

Essential Steps To Prevent Cancer Recurrences

In 34-minutes, you'll learn 3 Essential Steps To Prevent Cancer Recurrence WITHOUT Overwhelm. After working with hundreds of women in their cancer recovery & prevention, these are my top 3 tips that have shown the most impact to help reduce cancer risk & recover faster. 

what is


a life-changing step-by-step system to help women who have experienced any cancer diagnosis to feel empowered and energized, check it out below!

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Who Is

Dr Megan Bernard, ND?

Dr Megan Bernard is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and founder of Flourish! The Roadmap to Recovery, a step-by-step cancer recovery and prevention method for women who want to feel empowered and energized during and after cancer treatment.

After supporting hundreds of women through their diagnosis and treatment and then hearing about their lack of satisfaction with managing their health during cancer treatment and post-cancer care in the medical system, she decided that something great had to be done to help these women to regain control of their future and to feel their best, especially once treatment is over.

Once treatment is finished, the medical system kind of just spits you out, and you're left on your own looking for how to improve your energy and chances of staying cancer-free. It's a big world out there full of misleading information and it isn't easy to navigate and find what actually works.

So instead of having people bounce around from one fad diet or bad nutrition tip to the next, Dr Bernard developed her step-by-step educational system that teaches you how to optimize your health, use complementary interventions to reduce cancer growth, and to prevent cancer recurrences - without restrictive diets and bad lifestyle advice. 

Dr Bernard has been published in several scientific journals for her work in breast cancer and the immune system. She has a Bachelor of Health Science, a Masters of Science, and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, all having a focus on cancer. Her broad education gives her the skill to combine the best of conventional medicine and holistic knowledge. Most importantly, Megan has a passion for helping women to make realistic and effective nutrition and lifestyle changes that work for their lives AND help to prevent cancer from coming back.

Disclaimer: The content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Megan Bernard and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your doctor. In cases of emergencies, visit your nearest hospital or call 911.
This site is not a part of the Meta website or Meta Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Meta in any way. META is a trademark of META, Inc.
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