Research-Backed Cancer Recurrence Prevention!

3 Essential Steps To Prevent Cancer Recurrences WITHOUT Overwhelm


Learn about the biggest causes of cancer and how to combat them with nutrition & lifestyle changes to avoid a recurrence

Get energy that lasts all day long, without long hours of meal prepping or making separate meals for your family

What to do to decrease cancer-promoting inflammation, even beyond eating well and exercising

PLUS: Learn how to discover any vulnerabilities leaving you more susceptible to cancer coming back

About Me. Who Am I?

Hi! I’m Dr Megan Bernard. 

I’m a board-certified naturopathic doctor and founder of Flourish! The Roadmap to Recovery. This is a step-by-step system for women who want to feel energized and empowered with the right cancer risk reduction strategies after treatment. 

After hearing about how many people made it through their diagnosis and treatment and then continued to struggle for years after treatment was finished, I decided that something great had to be developed to help them to regain control of their health and to feel their best after cancer. 

Once you've finished treatment, the medical system kind of just spits you out, and you're left on your own looking for how to improve your energy and chances of lifelong remission. It's a big world out there full of information and it isn't easy to navigate and find what actually works and HOW to make it happen in your life.

So instead of having people bounce around from one fad diet or bad nutrition tip to the next, I've come up with a step-by-step educational system that teaches you how to optimize your energy and prevent recurrences - without drastic changes to your eating habits or lifestyle routines. You can get a sneak peek at what the program offers by grabbing my guide and watching the included video training!

Want to prevent cancer recurrences AND feel amazing?

Follow these 3 simple steps and take control of your health, today.

Disclaimer: The content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Megan Bernard and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your medical or naturopathic doctor. In cases of emergencies, visit your nearest hospital or call 911.
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