Access My Top Strategies To Diminish Worry

+ Optimize Your Energy + Reduce Cancer Risk

From The Inside Out.


Learn what foods to avoid to decrease cancer-promoting and energy-sucking inflammation and heal damaged tissues

Reduce worry & anxiety by discovering how to calm your mind & stop the negative thought patterns going through your head

5 Handpicked Strategies to promote focus on moving forward with your health & wellbeing (instead of being stuck with the fear of cancer returning or growing)

Discover step-by-step health habits you need to consider to live your best life after cancer treatment (and let go of the overwhelm)

Watch recorded videos to expand upon your knowledge and complement the daily educational emails 

BONUS! Eat to beat cancer 7-day meal plan, including pictures, grocery list, nutrition information, and a meal prep guide (delicious, dairy-free, & gluten-free!)

I've included step-by-step instructions and exclusive pro tips over the next 5 days that will help you maximize your results

Learn how to feel better fast & stay cancer-free WITHOUT confusion, overwhelm, or missing all your favourite foods.

BONUS: Get a free copy of my "Stay Cancer-Free Meal Plan"


What I Cover...

THE MOST IMPORTANT nutrition changes to get back your stamina, heal your body after treatment, and reduce cancer-promoting inflammation. 

Day 1 - Protein

The most important nutrition tip for fast recovery? Protein. We'll go through how much, what kind, and all about meat and vegetarian sources. Also, we'll discuss the importance of meat quality. 

Day 2 - Mindset

Feeling overwhelmed about the possibility of cancer returning and trying to figure out what to do to prevent cancer is normal, but soul-sucking. Let's go through how to release this tension. 

Day 3 - Blood Sugar

Unbalanced blood sugar and high levels of insulin are known to increase cancer risk. We'll go through specific nutrition changes to balance blood sugar to improve energy and reduce cancer risk. 

Day 4 - Movement

Learn how much and what kind of exercise is best for you and your recovery. Also, how to establish a routine. 

Day 5 - Blood Work

Get a personalized understanding of what is important to look at when it comes to energy and investigating for cancer prevention.


A daily Q&A, as well as a meal plan and recipes to get you situated with a fantastic idea of what should be consumed on a weekly basis. 

Who Is

Dr Megan Bernard, ND?

Dr Megan Bernard is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and founder of Flourish! The Roadmap to Recovery, a step-by-step cancer recovery and prevention method for women who want to feel empowered and energized after cancer treatment.

After supporting hundreds of women through their diagnosis and treatment and then hearing about their lack of satisfaction with post-cancer care in the medical system, she decided that something great had to be done to help these women to regain control of their future and to feel their best after cancer. 

Once treatment is finished, the medical system kind of just spits you out, and you're left on your own looking for how to improve your energy and chances of staying cancer-free. It's a big world out there full of misleading information and it isn't easy to navigate and find what actually works.

So instead of having people bounce around from one fad diet or bad nutrition tip to the next, Dr Bernard developed her step-by-step educational system that teaches you how to optimize your health and prevent cancer recurrences - without restrictive diets and bad lifestyle advice. 

Dr Bernard has been published in several scientific journals for her work in breast cancer and the immune system. She has a Bachelor of Health Science, a Masters of Science, and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, all having a focus on cancer. Her broad education gives her the skill to combine the best of conventional medicine and holistic knowledge. Most importantly, Megan has a passion for helping women to make realistic and effective nutrition and lifestyle changes to prevent cancer AND that works for their lives and families.

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Almost 5 hours of quality, evidence-informed education and action steps to start truly making a difference in your health.

Flourish After Cancer

Helping women feel empowered and energized after cancer treatment

All rights reserved. 

Disclaimer: The content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Megan Bernard and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your medical or naturopathic doctor. In cases of emergencies, visit your nearest hospital or call 911.
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