Straight-Forward, Research-Backed & Holistic  

Cancer Recovery & Prevention Support

Using The Best Cancer Research 

A Deep Dive Into How To Stop Cancer

Developing A Personalized Whole-Body Plan

Accountability & Motivation To Keep You On Track

A Positive Community Of Fellow Cancer Thrivers 

Simple Step-by-Step Approach to Taking Action

Dr Megan Bernard

board-certified cancer prevention & recovery naturopathic doctor

Step-By-Step Guidance for Women Who Want to Have CLARITY and CONFIDENCE in Their

Cancer Recovery & Prevention Plan.

Here's how it works...

A program to thoroughly investigate & address your health strengths & cancer vulnerabilities, so you can put effective, research-backed changes into place to recover faster & take action to reduce cancer growth & recurrence risk


A deep dive into your health by administering a thorough intake form, participating in a 1:1 appointment, and with comprehensive blood work and specialty testing recommendations.


A detailed, personalized, step-by-step plan outlining nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle changes based on our initial investigation designed to improve your overall health, discourage cancer growth, and reduce the risk of cancer coming back. Your plan is adjusted and grows with you as you get new info/put new changes into place.


Online educational lessons and handouts to teach you about your health, how cancer starts/grows, and how all the research-backed nutrition and lifestyle changes will support you.


Continued 1:1 support, group support, and additional resources (meal plans, recipes, exercise handouts, etc) to help keep you motivated, on track, and accountable to carry out the necessary actions. Your protocol is updated as new results or feedback is received.


You don't need to feel this way!

You are meant to feel JOY, CONFIDENCE, AND CLARITY. You are meant to FLOURISH. 

You can have your health work for you so it's not holding you back from enjoying time with your kids, spouse, and friends. 

After chemo, radiation, and/or surgery are finished (or almost finished) is PRIME TIME to discover an anti-cancer approach that works for YOU. 

You need a strategy, actionable steps, and the proper education to learn how to recover and prevent cancer from coming back.

There is a simpler way. That's exactly what I've put together for you in FLOURISH! The Roadmap To Recovery

let's breakdown

The Roadmap To Recovery

By The End Of This Program, You Will Have:

Confidence that you're eating the right foods

We will take into account your cancer type, treatment type, energy demands, stage of healing, weight goals, and your current eating habits and layout exactly what to eat and what foods to limit (but still allow you your favourite treats!). 

Clarity with all you need to do to prevent cancer

With a thorough review of your health, we will be able to identify and lay out for you where to focus your efforts when it comes to lifestyle changes (sleep, stress, digestion, etc) that will make a difference for your health and creating a future without cancer.

Joy for your future and all the good times to be had

You will learn how to make cancer take a back seat so you can focus on creating a future full of good health, love, and fun! Cancer will never 100% be gone from your thoughts, but we will help you to live with joy and learn how to reduce cancer's grip on your mind.

But Above All Else...

Flourish! The Roadmap To Recovery will provide you with evidence-informed anti-cancer changes to reduce your cancer risk AND give you peace of mind that you are truly doing

everything possible to stay cancer-free 




step-by-step, research-based, whole-body protocols & education

completely online and experienced from the comforts of your own home

learn nutrition changes to fuel healing & energy-making processes

learn where to prioritize to reduce cancer-promoting inflammation & ditch brain fog

confidence in your health decisions & the choices you are making

simple actionable steps to actually move you towards your goals

informative handouts for visual learners + short audio recordings for auditory learners

a heart-centered expert team who gets to know you and hears you

All This And More...







This program is for any woman who...

May be completely done treatment

All done treatment and wondering, "what's next? How do I make sure I don't go through that again?". Then this program is for you.

May be almost done chemo/radiation

Can see the finish line in sight? Wanting to feel better faster and do the right things to keep cancer away? This program is for you.

May be still in chemo/radiation

Are you still undergoing chemo and/or radiation, but do you have a good appetite and enough energy to start eating well and making adjustments to your current lifestyle to feel your best, heal faster after treatment is done, and stop cancer in its tracks? This program is for you.

May be on hormone meds

Having trouble losing weight and living with hot flashes and joint pain? There are safe ways to achieve your goal weight, reduce the hot flash intensity and frequency, and reduce joint pain WITHOUT interfering with your hormone meds. 

May be in immunotherapy

Currently receiving immunotherapy treatments but are ready to make the nutrition and lifestyle changes to feel your best and reduce your cancer risk? We can help you with that. 

May have upcoming surgery

Have you finished the big parts of treatment, but do you have surgery coming up? That's ok, we'd love to help you to prepare your body to get through surgery better and to recover faster, on top of reducing cancer risk. 

Who Is

Dr Megan Bernard, ND?

Dr Megan Bernard is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and founder of Flourish! The Roadmap to Recovery, a step-by-step cancer recovery and prevention method for women who want to feel empowered and energized after cancer treatment.

After supporting hundreds of women through their diagnosis and treatment and then hearing about their lack of satisfaction with post-cancer care in the medical system, she decided that something great had to be done to help these women to regain control of their future and to feel their best after cancer. 

Once treatment is finished, the medical system kind of just spits you out, and you're left on your own looking for how to improve your energy and chances of staying cancer-free. It's a big world out there full of misleading information and it isn't easy to navigate and find what actually works.

Through harnessing years of experience as a researcher and cancer-focused naturopathic doctor, Dr Megan Bernard, Naturopathic Doctor inspires a grounded, tangible, and self-affirming sense of "Wow! I can really do this" for hundreds of women who are advocating for more for their health during and after cancer. Let go of the overwhelm and step into the most powerful + research-backed course that will help you to understand anticancer nutrition in a simplified way that you didn't think was possible.

Dr Bernard has been published in several scientific journals for her work in breast cancer and the immune system. She has a Bachelor of Health Science, a Masters of Science, and a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, all having a focus on cancer. Her broad education gives her the skill to combine the best of conventional medicine and holistic knowledge. Most importantly, Dr Megan has a passion for helping women to make realistic and effective nutrition and lifestyle changes to prevent cancer that works for their lives and families.

What Our Flourishers Are Saying

Lisa F

Flourish Grad

Lori M

Flourish Grad

Jessica T

Flourish Grad

I'm proud to say that, although nothing in life (or Flourish) is guaranteed, these ARE the TYPICAL results of our clients, not just a sampling of the most successful. 

We'd love to help you to see the same outcomes in your life. Book a Roadmap Call to learn more about the cancer recovery plan that supports all aspects of your life. 

Video Overview of Flourish! The Roadmap To Recovery

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Book a free Application Roadmap Call

No restrictive diets.

No overwhelm.

No confusion.

Just straight-forward, realistic, & effective cancer prevention strategies.

Disclaimer: The content on this website is intended for informational purposes only. The information represents the opinion of Megan Bernard and does not replace professional medical advice. Before beginning any dietary, lifestyle, exercise, or supplemental regimen, consult your doctor. In cases of emergencies, visit your nearest hospital or call 911.
This site is not a part of the Meta website or Meta Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Meta in any way. META is a trademark of META, Inc.
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